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The Benefits of B Vitamins

I've known for a long time that we ALL could benefit from taking Super B, and I saw the effects of vitamin B deficiency when one of my teenage daughters began her monthly cycles. Within a few months, she became anemic, presented with serious nerve pain and blood pressure instability, and we were able to get everything resolved by addressing it with Super B and Ningxia Nitro (also high in B vitamins). It was a scary time, and I'm thankful the good Lord directed my understanding so that we knew how to help her. (Yes, she was seen by her pediatrician during this time, and he suggested we simply continuing to monitor her. Always check with your doctor regarding your personal circumstance.)

Super B

In order for the body to function optimally, it needs the right molecules in the right amounts.

B vitamins are connected to energy vs fatigue, eye sight, healthy brain and nerve function, normal appetite, muscle tone, healthy skin (rashes, cracking around mouth), and they play a MAJOR role in heart health.

Super B contains Nutmeg essential oil, a powerful tool for the adrenal glands.

B5 helps the body to create fresh, new epithelial cells and promotes wound healing.

B6 is a coenzyme necessary for over 60 enzymatic processes.

B7 is also known as Biotin, and is important to healthy skin, hair, and nails. It's known as THE vitamin for promoting hair growth.

B vitamins are necessary for proper cell growth and liver processes.

B supplementation should be in the first line of attack against BRAIN FOG.

B vitamins MANAGE STRESS in the body.

As the body ages, it tends to become more and more deficient in B vitamins. You may be familiar with elderly family or friends who get monthly B injections - they are serious enough to warrant a visit from a home health nurse.

B supplementation is ESPECIALLY important for those who do not absorb nutrients efficiently, and for women who have heavy monthly cycles. (For both of these issues, it would be helpful to eliminate wheat from the diet!)

I bet you know someone who could benefit from this information and Super B!

If you’d like to try out Super B, order HERE. Please feel free to message me first for help creating the most cost-effective option for your specific needs, but DEFINITELY message me when you order because I like to send Happy Mail to newbies!