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Channeling my Inner Granny with crochet

We set aside a day at the beginning of each year to create individual “vision boards” and a Family Bucket List for the new year. We make a fun day of it at home with favorite music, lots of colors and stickers, and plenty of yummy snacks. Even at 4, 8, 8, and 10 years of age, our girls really get excited about this tradition.

As I was making my own vision board for 2016, I realized that the fast-paced years of growing and raising children and a home-based business had made little time for me to pursue anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary to someone’s immediate survival. Well, at least it seemed that way. At the same time, I felt like I was a zombie, bouncing from one near-emergency to another, and my health was suffering.

I decided things were going to change, and my agent of change was CROCHET.

Hahaha, I know it sounds so silly, but I was determined to learn to crochet. I could see it would make me slow down, clear my mind, steady my breath and heart rate, and I would get some gorgeous, colorful pieces to fill my daily visual field (amongst at the cray-cray going on). If you think of all the great “grandmas” in this world, they are really good at all these things, and I needed some of that goodness real quick-like.

Fast-forward 15 months, I’m now fairly capable in the world of crochet, I FEEL loads better, and these colors seriously make me happy, happy, happy. Some days, I only get a row or two in - it still makes my day feel complete. There are times that I actually “take a day off” and spend a whole day in blissful color therapy, and I don’t feel the least bit guilty for it because I know my productivity and spirit will absolutely soar from the rest and creativity. I’m telling you. Crochet. All the cool kids are doing it.

What do you do to restore your spirit?