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Confession: Brussels sprouts are my comfort food.


Thanksgiving cooking kick-off!

All y'all brussels sprouts eaters are my people! They are my comfort food. I know it's weird, but it could be worse, right? Drizzle with olive oil, and shake a bit of Redmond sea salt and black pepper over then and roast at 400 degrees until crispy on the outside. Yum! They are great sauteed with a little balsamic vinegar and herbs of your choice, or even with butter and onions. Some like them boiled, but I can’t get into that. Sweet potatoes and bacon are brussels sprouts’ BFFs.

Brussels sprouts are high in vitamins C and K and antioxidants that attack disease-causing free radicals. They are low-carb, low-calorie, naturally gluten-free, and they feed the good gut flora that keeps immune and digestive systems in check. All cruciferous veggies are excellent in helping the body detox and in supporting healthy blood sugar. Eat them!

P.S. Redmond sea salt is high in minerals and without nasty additives. Minerals are a foundational building block of health, yet our foods naturally contain less and less as farm soil is overworked and without time to remineralize. We all need to be intentional about finding good sources of minerals for our bodies, and Redmond sea salt is an easy one!