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Let’s discuss this elephant of a topic, shall we? First, go google “greenwashing” real quick and prepare to be floored. Okay, now we are all like, “Woah! What??!!” Do not be fooled by brands that claim to be “Free and Clear,” “All Natural,” “Gentle,” or “Toxin Free.” I know we have all done it - thought we were doing great buying this “all natural” brand, but there simply is no truth to those statements! Have you used the awesome “Think Dirty” app yet? Go download this free truth teller and prepare to be astonished! It will show you the ingredients of a product and let you know just how toxic, or clean, it is for your health. It can be disturbing to find out what you thought was a gentle, safe, and toxin-free product can actually contain known carcinogens and hormone disrupters. It is worth your family's health to know exactly what you put in and on your body at all times! Young Living has been such a blessing to my family, with the Seed to Seal guarantee, knowing that all their products are safe and pure. I feel confident knowing that what we use in our home is safe and pure! That is peace of mind for this momma! Know better and then do better! 

What's the first product you found in your home to be a greenwashing trickster? Let me help you find a truly clean, pure and toxin-free replacement from Young Living! Contact me at