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A Day in the Life of a Young Living WAHM

When my first daughter was a new baby, I made the decision to leave classroom teaching to stay at home and raise her. I loved my work and my students, but I had always looked forward to raising children and “being a mom.” My husband was totally supportive of my desire to be home, and we pinched every penny to make ends meet on his teacher’s salary.

Six years and three children later, I found Young Living Essential Oils. Very quickly, I discovered Young Living to be a vehicle that would allow me to raise our children and work from home, on a schedule that is customized to our family’s needs at any given time. To be quite honest, I LOVE Young Living products. I would use them every day even if our family business did not exist, but to allow me to earn an income from home while using my strengths, skills, and gifts…well, that just makes a lot of sense.

So what does a day in the life of a Young Living WAHM actually look like?

Well, it’s different for every leader, and every day is different for an individual. Our girls have different activities, schoolwork, and appointments. Business needs vary significantly from day to day. However, there is a typical “groove” that I find most days. It goes something like this.

6 – 8 a.m. Wake up the household; breakfast; get the big girls and husband out the door to school; household chores

8 – 9 a.m. Answer work messages and work online; Liv does arts and crafts beside me

9 – 11 a.m. Preschool and exercise/PE with Liv

11 – 1 p.m. Read with Liv; lunch; Liv has recess; conference calls for work

1 – 2 p.m. Rest time for Liv; work for me

2 – 8:30 p.m. Hardcore Mom-ing happening with some small work tasks

8:30 – 10 p.m. Work

While this routine seems to be what happens more weekdays than not, there are other days when I have events, training, and classes. Sometimes, I’m even away from home for a few days. When I return, I take “off” for an equal number of days. Yes, I do “work” on weekends, too, but it fits around my family’s schedule.

This type of career is not for everyone. It takes structure, discipline, AND flexibility. However, if you are self-motivated and able to discern what is truly important at any given time, working from home is a very viable and rewarding option for you with Young Living. Want to know more? Feel free to message us!
