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It Is Well With My Soul = Health

To truly experience health and a fulfilling, abundant life, you must first believe in yourself! There is absolutely no way around it! Look at yourself and say, “I can do this!” and believe it! Sometimes this turns into finding out things about yourself you need to address before you can lead your family in a healthy lifestyle together. Your thoughts become who you really are. If you are constantly negative and do not believe you can better your health by making daily health changes, you won’t. Simple as that. Begin with your emotional health. The body and mind are connected so intricately that everything we eat affects our emotions and thoughts in some way, like that feeling we get after eating chocolate, right?!!! Did you know food had such an affect on how you think and your emotions? It does! So, as you embark on any changes in life, whether it be starting a fitness program, healthy clean eating, or making big family decisions, look at yourself and reflect on YOU! If YOU are not in a good place emotionally and are being held down by grief, doubt, fear, etc., then you will not achieve a true state of Health! To be healthy the mind has to be healthy first! You know the saying, “Mind, Body and Soul”? Well, when all those are in line and positive, then true health will come!

Do you have any emotional healing to do? Is your Soul well? What steps will you take to better your health and become the best YOU possible?
